Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mike Pointer - Hey, I Saw Your Commercial! FREE On-Camera Classes in Los Angeles, CA

I recently did a Google search for commercial classes in Los Angeles, CA because my goal is to book more national commercials. I feel that learning the fundamentals necessary to be successful the first time in this business and what the casting directors and producers are looking for from me when I step into that room to audition for a spot is very important.

So, I came across Coach Mike's Hey, I Saw Your Commercial! website. He offered a chance to audit his on-camera technique class for free. I realized that he has these ongoing so you can register anytime from his website for a Free session, (Referral Name: Selena Brown) He will take care of you! Just by going to his Free audit, I learned so much I didn't know about commercials and how important they are to my television and film pursuits. I found out that many people who are on television shows and film today, began their careers in commercials. Some actors, which he will show evidence in the free audit, survived their first couple of years in the business booking commercials before they reached major television show levels. He gave out handouts to take with us so that we could begin implementing some of his techniques for LaCasting, Actor's Access, etc. Coach Mike is so passionate in what he does that you can't help but listen, absorb, and get into action with your career, IF YOU WANT IT BAD ENOUGH!

He lays out a step-by-step model of how to get started from scratch and how to do things right the first time. His classes fill up fast because of how in demand he is. He even offers personal coaching if you are preparing for a commercial the next day or within the next week. His classes are so detailed and each one will have you in line with what the industry leaders or decision-makers expect of you. He also does a great job of showing examples or proof to back up what he says. How many people you know actually back up what they have to say with the facts? He also shows you commercials that he has actually booked to reiterate a point.  I was so impressed and can't wait to take his first class in his Commercial Institute, On-Camera Commercial Course (Earn residual income in TV Commercials, build a solid income stream and foundation to sustain your TV/Film Career pursuit).

Coach Mike (Mike Pointer) has been successfully coaching and running Hey, I Saw Your Commercial! for 10 years now and he doesn't look like he's stopping anytime soon. Top agencies recommend that their talent stop by to get a dose of Coach Mike.

He said something in the room that really connected with me and that was a quote by Zig Ziglar, "You can have everything you want in life if you will just help enough other people get what they want."

I believe this quote and take it personally, and want to make sure that you have the opportunity to share in the prosperity that commercials have to offer you just as it will me in the near future.  I am so delighted to share this quality information with you and hope that you will pass it on to your friends and family who want to get started in this industry the right way!

Watch Coach Mike's Video explaining what's in his FREE On-Camera Audition Techniques Class and REGISTER! Start establishing a long-lasting relationship with Coach Mike, a Top 25 Commercial Agent, and long-term success in the business.(Don't Forget To Say I Referred You: Selena Brown) There are door prizes too! I won a Personality Slate session with Coach Mike for my LaCasting profile, Actors Access, etc.--there are secrets that no one knows if you are not trained to know--Coach Mike will tell you in his Free Session!)

To Your Success,


If you have any questions, leave them in the comments and I'll answer them! 

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Day 27: Starfish - Making A World Of Difference

Making A World Of Difference - Based on One Month to Live by Kerry and Chris Shook

Life Lesson (from journal): "When we recognize the power of one--when we focus on the personal needs of individuals--we'll find ourselves transformed and we'll impact lives for eternity."
Kerry and Chris Shook says: The problem come when we start thinking happiness means begin safe and comfortable and when our goal in life becomes the avoidance of all risk. When our top priority is to be safe and secure, we lose touch not just with the needs of others but with a primary need to our own. We were created for so much more than punching buttons and scrolling screens. We were created for a grand adventure! God designed us to take great risks and face huge challenges, to accomplish mighty goals that we will have lasting impact.

If we make it a habit to do what we can, when we can, where we can, we will be transformed as we help others.

*Describe some concrete situations in which God might use you in expected or unexpected ways. (Readings: Acts 8:26-39; 1Peter 4:10-11)

My Answer: God does use us in unexpected ways - I went to a gas station a couple of weeks ago and I needed gas so I could get some errands done and I was standing at the register waiting for the two clerks to fix some pump issue. It so happened that they gave a customer too much gas and another not enough gas because the wrong pump numbers were put in the machine. So, I'm standing there wondering what in the world is going on. One of the customers came in and said "thank you for the extra gas and it wasn't his fault about the pump mixup" and the lady came in and was given the extra gas she paid for. The gentleman said he had to hurry up and go to work and didn't have any more money to pay the $8.00 gas he got over what he paid. I just happened to have $40.00 in my hand and was going to put  $30.00 in my tank to fill it up and out of my mouth came, "I'll pay for it, just go." The man was shocked that I would pay for it and tried to put it on a credit card, but this gas station only took cash or debit. I repeated again, "I'll take care of it, just go. You said you were late for work soon."  I was grateful to have the opportunity to be there and do something in an unexpected way. It really made me feel good, but also a conflict was solved and nothing went wrong over $8.00.
"As the purse is emptied, the heart is filled." - Victor Hugo

Can you listen and care? offer a smile? hug a child? Most of us underestimate the power we have just by being present in the life of someone else.

Today's Challenge
Choose one.
One man, one woman, one child whom you know you can bless with a simple, cost-free gift. A smile, a compliment, a door opened, a held elevator.
Choose one.
From many perspectives, your act of live might seem like a matter of little real impact. From just about any perspective...except the perspective belonging to the one.
Go now and create happiness.

Face Time
God, make my heart sensitive to hurting people and help me see others as You see them.
Give me the strength today to see someone's need and meet it in Your strength.

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Day 26: Collisions - Staying The Course When Your Life Crashes

Staying The Course When Your Life Crashes - Based on One Month to Live by Kerry and Chris Shook

Life Lesson (from journal): "Our collisions with God's values and God's will can be remedied when we trust God, delight in God, and commit ourselves to Him."

Kerry and Chris Shook says: We get to choose which path we take in life. We can travel in God's direction, or we can chart our own course and try to make it on our own. We can drive the care empowered by His will or the one fueled by our will. When I choose to drive my own care and make all my decisions without consulting Him, it's like heading the wrong way down a one-way street. It ends in a collision with God, which isn't pretty. Only when we allow Him to direct us can we leave a lasting impact."Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." (Proverbs 3:5-6)

What happens when we make God our heart's greatest delight? (Readings: Deuteronomy 4:29-31; Psalms 42-43; Philippians 1:18-26; Philippians 3:1-14
"It is in recognizing the actual presence of God that we find prayer no longer a chore, but a supreme delight." -Gordon Lindsay
God says, "You have to commit to following My will, and then I'll show you what it is."

Face Time
     Ouch God! I'm tired of spending time in a spiritual ICU after "encountering" Your unmovable will. You'd think I'd learn.
     Well, actually, I think I am learning. I don't want to try this alone anymore. Help me trust You, delight in You, commit myself and my life to You, so I'll recognize You more consistently as my ever-present Companion.

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Oceans Review: Unicorns Exist In The Deep Blue Seas!

Disneynature Oceans opened this past week alongside Earth Day 2010 and I got a chance to see it on Friday, April 23rd.

I am a complete animal lover and was also happy to know that my ticket purchase would go into a donations pot to help save our coral reefs.The directors of the film, Jacques Perrin and Jacques Cluzaud made the movie a great success from the beginning to the end and also with the voice of Pierce Brosnan, narrating. If you just look deeper under the waves and the huge blue bodies of water, there is a separate community down there. There are so many different fish and animals that spend their time down there. I saw fish with the same look of a unicorn with the point that sticks out in all the make-believe drawings. Well, there are huge fish with the unicorn point.  This was absolutely amazing to see.

I could not get over this fish that looked like a lobster and a crab battling right at the bottom of the ocean over territory. The lobster-looking fish was digging himself a comfortable hiding place and along comes a crab passing by the wrong area. The lobster-looking fish got angry and begins poking and pushing the crab. They start battling, when all of a sudden one of the crabs arms are pulled out of socket. The lobster-like fish didn't stop there. I would've thought that the crab would run by this time, but he stood there and he got the most priceless TKO hit I've ever seen. It was better than a knockout in a boxing match.

There were some fish that just blended so well into their oceanic environment. They would prefer to live in peace, but have a tasty fish or two if they came by unexpectedly.

The whales were captured in their life's light. They were so huge, but possessed so much love and sensitivity.

There are so many fish and species of fish that live in the oceans around the globe that we as humans must protect. It is always devastating when lives are lost due to a natural disaster. Many homes are destroyed and people must leave the area or fight to rebuild. Fish of all types live in our oceans and have to deal with fish nets, waste, oil spills, and the risk of extinction.

If you are into National Geographic, you will love this. If you want to understand what exists below the surface, you will love Oceans. The donations for helping save our coral reefs is only being received for the first week of its running so I hope you got a chance to see it.

Leave your feedback. Share your thoughts on the movie celebrating Earth Day 2010.

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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Day 25: Sticks and Stones - Using Eternal Building Materials

Planting For The Future - Based on One Month to Live by Kerry and Chris Shook

Life Lesson (from journal): "All of us desire to leave a legacy, to know that we mattered. And our legacy is determined by how we spend our days."
Kerry and Chris Shook opens Day 25 by asking: As we've seen, the question becomes, will our influence last beyond our lifetime? Everyday we get to choose the materials--either temporary or eternal--we'll build our lives with.

A belief is something you hold on to, but a conviction is something that holds you.

Some Readings to Consider: Psalm 33:10-11; Psalm 37:18; Psalm 117; Proverbs 10:25; Isaiah 40:6-8

God chips away everything in your character that doesn't look like Jesus Christ--all the character faults and flaws--because His plan is to perfect you in the image of His Son.

"For it is in giving that we receive; It is in pardoning that we are pardoned; And it is in dying to ourselves that we are born to eternal life." -St. Augustine

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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Day 24: Seeds - Planting For The Future

Planting For The Future - Based on One Month to Live by Kerry and Chris Shook
Life Lesson (from journal): "Every day, every moment, with every action, you're planting something. So the question is, what exactly are you planting? What is the cumulative effect of your work, actions, and intentions on those around you and those ahead of you? What harvest will be reaped from all that you plant day in and day out? From the outside, it may be difficult to discern between a seed and a pebble. But, of course, inside they're vastly different. There is life in the seed; there is nothing but rock inside the pebble. The seed has power and potential in it; it produces life. Unfortunately, some of us spend our time planting rocks--no potential, no life, no fruit.

"You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving" - Leonard Carmichael

One Month To Live Journal: People are created in God's image as spiritual beings who will live for eternity, either in Him or apart from Him. If we invest in people's lives, then our legacy becomes like a giant oak, providing life for generations to come.

*What did you do this last week that will last for the rest of the year? for ten years? for eternity? Read the parable of the sower in Matthew 13. Which type of soil describes your heart at the moment?

*Read John 12:24. What selfish desires have you had to die to in order to live for God?

"To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is the meaning of success." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

I decided to end my Day 24 entry with this quote out of the One Month To Live journal because it really speaks to me and my passion for wanting to be an actor. I see so many faces, happy and sad, as I move through this life and I often wonder what their story is. I wonder if I can say or do something that could make things better for them. I feel that by working as an actor through film, television, or theater, I can reach the masses and bring stories that will inspire, transform, and change someone's life. I always hope to help the greater good in my lifetime. I do hope that what I do even now as a senior caregiver, while I work towards a full-time acting career, is helping some senior in his or her last days feel better than before they met me. Wow, to know that when it's time for me to leave this life, that I have helped at least one life breathe easier, is well worth the work, rejection, hardship, lack, and any other adjective that could make this an impossible road to staying the course as an actor.

I hope you enjoy Day 24. Leave any feedback or comments you may have.

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Friday, April 23, 2010

Day 23: Sandcastles - Creating A Lasting Legacy

Creating A Lasting Legacy - Based on One Month to Live by Kerry and Chris Shook

Life Lesson (from journal): "How many of us are using our resources to build a permanent foundation beneath our sandcastles? If we truly want to leave an eternally enduring legacy, then we need to look beyond our home, our investment portfolio, and our heirloom jewelry. If we're going to leave a legacy that the waves of time can't wash away, we need to do an on-site inspection of the life we're currently building. We must honestly evaluate the castle we're constructing to make sure it's not made of sinking sand."

Kerry and Chris Shook opens Day 23 by talking about how their kids used to love building sand castles at the beach. They would use the ocean water to glue it together, but when the tides came in or someone came by and destroyed it eventually, they were okay with it because it was temporary and they knew that they could always build another one. Have you been so caught up in your work or busy all the time because you are building something that will only be temporary if you were to die today. Kerry and Chris Shook really stresses the importance of relationships with family, friends, associates, etc., because these are the relationships that will stand the test of time when you are no longer here to speak for yourself. They will continue to carry on your name and the great things you did for them and express them to others. This life goes beyond how much money you have and can save in your bank account, the stock market, or 401K.

....only when I live to influence others for Him will I leave an enduring legacy. (Kerry and Chris Shook response)

*If a friend said to you, "This is my life. I can do whatever I want with it," what might be your response Or what would you like your response to be? (Suggested Readings for this: 1Chronicles 29:10-16; Psalm 100:3; Romans 14:7-9; 1Corinthians 4:7; 1Corinthians 6:19-20; 2Corinthians 5:14-15)

My Answer: I'm not a pushy person when it comes to people doing what they want with their life. However, if I had a friend who told me the following words above, I would be sure to let him or her know that this life is temporary and we are here for a reason. We have so much time to fulfill our purpose in this life before we leave it. There are too many graves being dug 6 feet to put dead bodies in who have finished their time here. The money and material things that people have can't go with them so it would be wise to figure out what's most important. No one really knows what to expect once they die, we have a Bible that does give some inside information, but until we leave this life and die to it, that's when we for ourselves will see what's really to come. So, yes, this is your life, but make sure you have done what you were put in this life to do, just in case, you die and have a surprise that you were warned about and didn't capitalize on when you were brought through this life, to complete. People always say that life is short, but I believe also, as heard in a movie once that "life is what you make it".

....Obey God, because He gives you just enough time to do everything you need to do. (Kerry and Chris Shook response)
 "God asks no man whether he will accept life. That is not the choice. You must take it. The only question is how." -Henry Ward Beecher

Have a great weekend! Leave any feedback or comments you may have. 

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day 22: Road Signs - Experiencing A Personal Miracle

Playing With Integrity - Based on One Month to Live by Kerry and Chris Shook

Life Lesson (from journal): "Miracles are not only possible; they're more common than we think. God cares for us and wants to work in our lives. The hard part is remembering this when we come to a crossroads and must choose how to respond.
Kerry and Chris Shook provided a reference with several Bible stories that all have a similar pattern. In each situation, God wanted to work a miracle for His people. But He wouldn't do His thing until they fulfilled the requirement of helping other people or filling other vessels (people, needs, obligations, commitments, family, children, youth, pets, etc.) around them.

The Bible Stories List (Exodus 12:1-39; Exodus 14; Numbers 13-14; Joshua 3:1-4:18; Joshua 6; Joshua 9; 1Samuel 17; 2Kings 5:1-17; Jonah 1; Matthew 8:1-13)

Read as many of the stories as you wish, and for each one, try to discern the following:
1. What the people said about their need for God.
2. What God-given resources they made available to Him
3. What U-turn they made from a negative direction to a positive one
4. What God did
5. The ways they shared the blessing of God's miracle with others
Or for each question, note how the people didn't fulfill God's requirements and what He did as a result.

My Answer: I chose to read the story of David and Goliath (1Samuel 17) The men of Israel were in the Valley of Elah, fighting against the Philistines who had a champion named Goliath. He was over 9 feet tall and wore a bronze helmet on his head and wore a coat of scale armor of bronze weighing five thousand shekels, on his legs he wore bronze greaves, and a bronze javelin, which he slung on his back. Now the people of Israel needed to conquer this giant in order to take control and the giant gave them a challenge that if any man could kill him, that the Philistines would become their subject. This was definitely impossible at the time to any of the Israelites. How would they even begin to choose the right fighter for the task.

Now the Israelites didn't think they could complete this challenge and win, but what they didn't know was that a little boy was tending the sheep for his father Jesse of Bethlehem. This was the resource they already had on their side to give to God to use as the fighter of Goliath.

Once David stepped on the scene as ordered by his father to take the loaves of bread and roasted grain to his brothers, he realized that he had a calling by God to end a feud. One of his brothers were enraged, thinking he was being nosy, but he continued to learn all he could about the issue at hand and reported to Saul about the skills he had learned while protecting the sheep in the fields from the lions and the bears. He had killed them to protect the sheep, so this would be nothing to him.

God used a little boy, David, to complete his plan. David stepped out in front of the giant with his sling and a stone and killed the giant with a stone to the forehead. The giant fell and the Philistines ran, but the Israelites were able to overcome them.

I love the words that little David used before killing the giant: "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord will hand you over to me, and I'll strike you down and cut off your head. Today I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel."

Personally, I feel like I am currently in David's role as the Shepard. I am being taught how to deal with many types of people. I am a caregiver for seniors all over Los Angeles, CA and it has given me a humbling attitude towards people with different health conditions. I know that when I am supposed to move into my acting career on a full-time basis, that I will be totally ready to deal with anything. I am being pruned and matured to the level that is needed for me in the industry of film, television, and theater. I have been challenged so much and know what it's like to persevere. Maybe one day I will not be a caregiver in the medical field to seniors in real life, but in a medical role on a television program. Life has many possibilities and I am so happy to have the chance to play the game of life. I definitely believe in miracles.

Leave you feedback or comment to this posting. Have a great day!

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 21: Mulligan - Playing With Integrity

Playing With Integrity - Based on One Month to Live by Kerry and Chris Shook

Life Lesson (from journal): "If you only had one month to live, most likely you would want to review your life and examine your character. You would want to do all you could to learn from the mistakes in your past, iron out any wrinkles that had developed, and live your remaining days at peace. You would want your life to be integrated and whole, not compartmentalized and fragmented as we often experience when we're going through the motions of life and settling for less than we were make to enjoy. If you were living deliberately and passionately and were fully alive, you would want to live with integrity."
Kerry and Chris Shook says: Integrity is the opposite of image. Integrity is when your private life matches your public image. When what you see is what you get--that's integrity. Integrity is who you are when no one is looking.

* What might you do to follow the example of Samuel in 1Samuel 3:19-20? What would it mean if none of your words "fell to the ground"?

My Answer: From my understanding and my other study references, this can have two meanings. First, it can mean that through experience Samuel knows God's words are true--not one of God's words to him falls to the ground or fails. Second, Samuel's words to others are reliable as well; people find they can trust what he says. (1Samuel 9:6)
"The strength of a man's virtue should not be measured by his special exertions, but by his habitual acts." --Blaise Pascal
*Why are both living truthfully and speaking truthfully necessary components of imitating your Father's love and courage? See Ephesians 5:8-10.

My Answer: When I decided to live truthfully and speak that way as well, I am living in God's light. In more general terms, I am able to spread more cheer, give more genuinely to others, and just be happy without a need to be deceptive in any way.

Today's Challenge
     What do-over do you wish you could have? Take some time to talk with God about your regret. Ask His forgiveness and thank Him for making forgiveness possible at the price of Jesus' life.
      Ask God to give you strength and wisdom so you won't make the same mistake again, and then let Him guide you toward a more perfect "game."
      With His help, think of one step you can take today that will improve your integrity in that area of life where you wish you could have a do-over.
       Then go do it.

I hope you have a great day! Leave any feedback or comments in this post.

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Day 20: Earthquake - Building A Foundation That Lasts

Building A Foundation That Lasts- Based on One Month to Live by Kerry and Chris Shook

Life Lesson (from journal): "Major losses are inevitable in life, but with a strong spiritual foundation we can remain standing and grow stronger." 

Kerry and Chris Shook notes: God never abandons us. He suffers right along with us and knows more than anyone what it means to lose a child, to be rejected by His people, to be betrayed by a friend.

If you have anything other than God at the center of your life when the earthquake of problems hits, your center won't be strong enough to hold you together. Why is God the only suitable center for your life? Readings (Colossians 3:1-5; 1Timothy 6:17-19; 1Samuel 2:2-8; Isaiah 44:6-9)

God designed us to live in community, gladly offering help when others need it and gracefully accepting help when we are in need. 
"Faith is the sturdiest, the most manly of the virtues. It lies behind our pluckiest...strivings. It is the virtue of the storm, just as happiness is the virtue of the sunshine." -Ruth Benedict
"This is what I found out about religion: it gives you courage to make decisions you must make in a crisis and then the confidence to leave the result to a Higher Power. Only by trust in God can a man carrying responsibility find repose." -Dwight D. Eisenhower

How do you know if God is truly the center of your life? You stop worrying!

If you want to take the One Month To Live Challenge you can get started anytime by ordering Kerry and Chris Shook book "One Month To Live". I would love to hear your feedback on how this journey has changed your life.

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Day 19: Metamorphosis - Changing From The Inside Out

Changing From The Inside Out - Based on One Month to Live by Kerry and Chris Shook

Life Lesson (from journal): "If you elevate status symbols, then you're really trying to give the appearance of a healthy, well-balanced, successful life without the reality of it. You're trying to change from the outside in, thinking you will feel better about yourself on the inside if you change your settings and props on the outside. We think, If I change my looks, if I change my house, if I change my car, then it's going to change me. Then I will truly content. Only one problem: it doesn't work.

Abundant life is only found as we cultivate internal maturity in constant connection with God. But the paths that lead to the metamorphosis of the soul are unpopular and not often traveled.

Too often we wait on someone or something external to change us...it's time to take responsibility for our own growth.

(Question from journal) In your everyday life, what are some specific ways you can take responsibility for your internal transformation? Readings (2Corinthians 3:18; 2Corinthians 4:6-7; Ephesians 4:22-24)

Motion and commotion steal the soul, but stillness restores the soul.

(Question from journal) What kinds of "motion" do you want to replace with stillness, at least some of the time? How will this change your inside? Readings (Psalm 37:7-8; Psalm 62:1-2; Psalm 131:1-3; Isaiah 30:15)

The quickest way to suffocate our souls is to try to control everything...If we stop trying to solve all our problems and to control everything, quietness will fill our souls with strength.

What costly comfort are you clinging to? What priceless pain are you working overtime to avoid? By the power of God's grace, how will your struggles help you soar?

Leave your feedback and comments to share with others. Have a great day!

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Day 18: Hurricanes - Withstanding The Wind Of Change

Withstanding The Wind Of Change- Based on One Month to Live by Kerry and Chris Shook

Life Lesson (from journal): "In life, difficult change is inevitable; half of our battle is learning to accept that reality. The other half is seeking God's wisdom for dealing with each storm.
Kerry and Chris Shook speaks about when the hurricane of life hits us we must be prepared. We can't control the hurricane of change, but we must be prepared. It's best to move with the storm instead of navigating against it. God doesn't cause the painful change, but uses them.

"Yet, in the maddening maze of things. And tossed by storm and flood, To one fixed stake my spirit clings; I know that God is good! -John Greenleaf Whittier

(Question from journal) Why are difficulties in our lives so valuable? (James 1:2-4; 1Peter 1:6-9; Romans 5:3-4) According to these passages, what can you do to cooperate with God's purposes in your hardships?

The winds of change will either make you stronger or knock you down...By putting biblical principles into practice, we'll see that we can not only survive the winds of change, but we can harness them to fill our sails and propel us forward.

(Question from journal) What will we see when we learn to take the long view and look past the storm? (Proverbs 10:25; Matthew 7:24-27; John 16:19-22; Galatians 6:9-10; Hebrews 10:35-37)

Even when you don't feel His presence, God is still with you. He's behind the storm, in the midst of the storm, and beyond the storm, always there waiting for you, ever present.

Are you in a storm now? If so, describe your thoughts and feelings.
Read these promises from God, your reliable Navigator. Then talk to Him about your circumstances and your attitudes. (Psalm 116:1-8; John 16:33; 1Corinthians 1:8-9; Isaiah 46: 9-11)

I hope today's passages will help you accept your change and also guide you through your storm into clearer skies. Leave any feedback you may have.

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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day 17: GPS - Finding Your Direction

Finding Your Direction - Based on One Month to Live by Kerry and Chris Shook
Life Lesson (from journal):"God provides our life's direction by means of our gifts, passions, and struggles."
Kerry Shook opens up Day 17 talking about his trip to Germany and how he had to use a GPS in order to even understand how to get around to the meetings he had at different times. When he got downtown, the GPS lost reception because they realized that it was not positioned in the front windshield where it can pick up reception. Same as God, allowing Him to lead us to what he has for us through our gifts, passions, and struggles.

We're all experts at something, and no one excels at everything.
What do you think are some of your special gifts or talents? How do these help you discern God's direction for your life?

You can learn a lot about the gifts and talents God gives us from Romans 12:3-8 and 1Corinthians 12.
 "A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing." - George Bernard Shaw"
You have a creative license to be who God made you to be. The great theologian Dr. Seuss once said, "Be who you are because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." I LOVE THIS!

Have a great day! Leave your feedback and comments.

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Day 16: Star Power - Discovering Who You Were Meant To Be

Discovering Who You Were Meant To Be - Based on One Month to Live by Kerry and Chris Shook
Life Lesson (from journal): "To know our purpose in life, we must learn who we are, and we do that by recognizing whose we are. Our purpose and identity grow clearer as we come to know God better.
Chris Shook starts Day 16 talking about her love for the stars and she looks at the stars and the moon and she loves how they were made. You may also want to know what you were created to do?

To understand your identity, listen to what your generous and inventive Creator said in Ephesians 1:3-14.

Satan uses the same ammo over and over, but he tailors each bullet to its individual victim. Write a list of the lies he has custom-designed for you to ensure your maximum memory loss.

Use these verses to come up with God's antidotes for some or all of the lies you just listed. Personalize these verses. After all, they're God's words to you. (John 1:11-13; Galatians 3:26; 4:4-7; 1 John 3:1-3)

What can you do to fix God's truths about you firmly in your memory? Consider ideas from James 4:7; 1 Peter 5:8-9; and 1 John 2:1-2.

What can you be confident that you can discover God's special purpose for you? (Psalm 25:12; Philippians 2:13)

We can all learn more about who God made us to be by focusing on Him. As we develop a closer relationship with God, we become more like Him, thwarting our Enemy's attempts to steal our identity.

Today's Challenge
Find, buy, or create something that will remind you of your identity. Choose a symbolic object, a bookmark, a poster... Paint a picture, create a collage, make a video...Write a poem, record a song, create a personalized identity dictionary, or whatever.
   Think ahead about how you will use it as a daily reminder. Will you hang it on your wall, put it inside the novel you're currently reading, make it your alarm in the morning attach it to your key ring?

I actually found a great piece of Art that reads, "chase your dreams". It is always in my line of sight in my living room. Really cool!  

Leave your feedback on what you found that will help you to understand your identity and your purpose.

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Day 15: Last Call - Revealing Your Heart

Revealing Your Heart - Based on One Month to Live by Kerry and Chris Shook

Life Lesson (from journal): "People talk all the time but rarely seem to hear each other's words, let alone their unspoken messages...We have to be willing to move from communication breakdown to communication breakthrough."
Kerry and Chris Shook opens Day 15: 1876 - Alexander Graham Bell stepped onto the telephone. Every great invention has its complications like the satellite, mobile, wireless, teleconference, or hands-free devices.

How do connections really occur or do they?

If you had One Month To Live, you would want to repair broken lines of communication and give more time to your relationships.

(Point to Ponder, from journal): What do we learn about God's heart from Jesus that we couldn't know any other way? (John 14: 7-11; Hebrews 1:1-3)

(Point to Ponder, from journal):  How did people know God was listening to them in these situations? (Exodus 3:6-10; 2 Chronicles 7:13-14; Psalm 106:43-45)

When we remember that our days are numbered, we realize we don't have time to waste on anything that's not true. In relationships the stakes are just too high to beat around the bush, talk behind someone's back, or not speak honestly. You gain respect when you speak directly.

Face Time
     God, I'm amazed that You're so personal with us. Your heart is laid bare, and I know You often feel pain because of the risk You've taken. I'm sorry I've hurt You.
     Your vulnerability makes possible the miraculous relationship between You and me. Show me how to enjoy that priviledge even a fraction as much as You do.
     Help me take risks in my relationships with the important people in my life, so we can both enjoy a little glimpse of heaven on earth.

Have a great day! Leave your feedback and comments!

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Friday, April 16, 2010

Day 14: The Gift - Thanking Those Around You

Thanking Those Around You - Based on One Month to Live by Kerry and Chris Shook
Life Lesson (from journal): "When we are thankful, we become content and full of the peace that only He can provide. Focusing on how grateful we are for what we have prevents us from becoming bitter and greedy for more."
Biggest reasons for gratitude: no longer slaves to sin; my labor in the Lord is not in vain; that we may live worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way. He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness. God has taken his power and began to reign.
(Points To Ponder, from journal): "What are some of our biggest reasons for gratitude? (Romans 6:17-18; 1 Corinthians 15:55-57; Colossians 1:10-14; Revelation 11:16-17)
Why is This?: Why is giving thanks to people important? How does it relate to giving thanks to God?
My Answer: If people receive your thanks then they see God's love within you. God is able to use my vessel to advance his purpose.
"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." - John F. Kennedy
 Why is This?: What differences can gratitude make in your life? (Psalm 50:23; Ephesians 5:3-4; Philippians 4:6-7)
"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." - Marcel Proust
Face Time
     Father, I know how good it makes me feel when someone is truly grateful for something I've given them or done for them. I feel appreciated, valued, wanted.
     I want to make You feel that way more often. I'm sorry for my ingratitude. Open my eyes and adjust my focus. Sensitize my heart to Your many blessings.
     So many people bless me in so many ways...every day. Please help me remember to give them the gift of gratitude a lot more than I have been.

That All For Today! 
Share your feelings about today's insight and help others who may come across this posting.

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Day 13: Sandpaper - Smoothing The Edges

Smoothing The Edges - Based on One Month to Live by Kerry and Chris Shook

Life Lesson (from journal): "Sandpaper people are part of God's plan for your life. He allows sandpaper people into your life so He can craft you into a sharper tool for His purposes. Paul explains, "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do" (Ephesians 2:10). In the Greek, the word for "workmanship" literally means "a work of art or a masterpiece." God is crafting you into the perfect tool to accomplish His amazing plan for you."
Kerry and Chris Shook begins Day 13: There are sandpaper people all over the place. They are in our family and on our jobs. We may even be the sandpaper in our own group that are hard to get along with. Some people just rub us the wrong way. If only they could be more like us, right? However, Jesus put sandpaper people in our life to build our character. Take advantage of criticism.
(Point to Ponder, from journal) What kind of tools has God been using in your life? What types of tasks do you feel those people or situations are serving in His plan for you? (2 Timothy 2:20-21; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Hebrews 10:24; Hebrews 13:20-21)
Chew it up and spit it out. That hammer was put in your life to make you stand up for yourself. They are in your life for a reason and you are in their life for a reason. You can show them love even when they know that they don't deserve it. You may be their only refuge and counselor to turn them around. (Consider Galatians 6:1-5 and Proverbs 26:4-5)

Kerry and Chris Shook: If I forget about trying to change everybody else and simply work on letting God change me, then the people in my life are much more open to me. Examination of yourself must
come before confrontation of others. In John 8:3-11, what do you learn about Jesus' perspective on this principle?
"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows." - Epictetus
Face Time
    God, this is hard to say, but thank You for [fill in the person's name]____________________________. He/she drives me crazy, but I trust You and Your purposes. Please give me patience. Help me accept our differences and, when necessary, to forgive.
     Remind me of the times I've irritated You and others so I will be more humble and accepting of this person. And, yes, even grateful for them.

Have a great day! Leave your feedback or comments to this post if you would like.

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Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 12: Boxing Ring - Resolving Conflicts By Fighting Fair (Rocky and Muhammad Ali Inspired)

Resolving Conflicts By Fighting Fair (Rocky and Muhammad Ali Inspired)- Based on One Month to Live by Kerry and Chris Shook
 Life Lesson (from journal): "When two unique and imperfect people come together, they simply won't agree about everything. That's why it's critical that we learn how to deal effectively with relationship issues."
Kerry Shook opens Day 12 talking about his love for boxing since a kid with Muhammad Ali and the Rocky movies. He visited a boxing gym in downtown Houston where he gained a real life perspective of how hard it is to be a fighter in the ring. He continues to say how most of us have no idea how to deal with conflicts, let alone conflicts in our relationships.

(From Journal): What makes you sometimes want to avoid a conflict, rather than resolve it? Leave your feedback.

My Answer: I don't like arguing, the he say she say, or drama period, so I really avoid it now that I understand how to communication and I'm a little older. When I was younger I was a flying bullet.

Staying in the ring and off the ropes, as Chris Shook calls it, can really be challenging. However, if you really love someone, then you can be courageous enough to remain committed to the process for as long as resolution takes. The best style of conflict-management is the sparring partner, the person committed to being a teammate and helping his or her partner. Sparring partners stay in the ring and off the ropes. Regardless of how unpleasant it becomes, they stay at it until they come to a mutual decision that they feel is best for both. (Readings: 1Corinthians 13:4-8; Ephesians 4:2-3)

Fighting Fair
Having agreed to fight fair, sparring partners are more likely to achieve lasting peace and resolution. Read these passages and list some of God's techniques for expert conflict-management. (Readings: Romans 14:19; 2 Timothy 2: 22-24; James 3:16-18) Leave your comments or feedback.

Kerry Shook informs that we have to put in mouth guards like boxers do to say the right things at the right times to the people in our lives. Or, to control the wrong things at the right times. (Readings to help you choose your words: Proverbs 10:11, 20-21; Proverbs 16:24; Proverbs 18:21)
Attack the Issues Not Each Other
Kerry informs: Don't attack each other--blaming and naming because you will lose the other person. Start with your feelings. Avoid driving history in the conflict. This only diverts the real issue. If you get historical the other person may just get hysterical.
"Peace is not the absence of conflict but the presence of creative alternatives for responding to conflict." -Dorothy Thompson
"The most important thing you can do is to bring the Prince of Peace into the ring with you." (Readings: John 2:13-17; 1Peter 2:21-24; 1John 3:5; Matthew 23)
Face Time
     Father, You have given us ample instruction on how to get along. Help me release my ego and my own desires in situations that present conflict. Help me remember that a quality connection with You and with those You've placed in my life is the most important consideration.
     Help me stay close to You every day, so Your heart for people will guide the way.

That's all folks for today! Leave your comments and feedback.

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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 11: Everest - Scaling The Obstacles To Unity

Scaling The Obstacles To Unity  - Based on One Month To Live by Kerry and Chris Shook

Life Lesson (from journal): "If we were counting the days before we left this earth, we would be looking for ways to build bridges, to bring about healing, and to enjoy our most important relationships. No one wants to leave this earth with unfinished business. We want to leave our loved ones having experienced the summit of our relationships as the result of our courage to love."
Kerry Shook opens Day 11, speaking about how relationships fall apart because of our personal agendas. The rope of acceptance is acknowledged when we give up our own agendas and accept one another in order to bring praise to God. He continues, we need to stop trying to change people in our lives, but learn to accept them for who they are. Easier said than done. We need to stop changing our wives, but cherish them. We want others to be like we want them to be because of our selfish inclinations.

"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." -Henry Ford

Ponder This! (from journal) Which of the relational mountains--misunderstandings, a "me first" attitude, mistakes, or something else--tends to come between you and others? Describe one recurring situation. Leave your feedback.
"Rather than cling to the ideal--that this spouse, friend, business partner, or team was the right fit and you'd always understand each other--you must realize that differences of opinion are natural and inevitable parts of every relationship."
Consider this wisdom from Proverbs to help you deal with your misunderstanding, a "me first" attitude, and others. (Proverbs 12:6; 15:1; 17:27-28; 18:13,17)
"We have to learn how to compromise (being me loving you) and discover creative solutions that meet the needs of both people. If we truly love someone, it will be easier to change our agenda by having an open dialogue."
Ponder This! (from journal) Our ability to accept and understand others grows as we develop new thought habits about people. Readings: Colossians 3:12-15; Romans 15:1-3; 1Thessalonians 5:14; Galatians 6:1-2.

Read these passages, then come up with a few direct ways you might actively love specific people around you. Even small gestures of compassion count. Readings: Proverbs 25:21-22; Matthew 5:43-47; Luke 6:38; Galatians 6:7-10.

"It's not easy--relationships aren't for wimps. And it's going to take some supernatural help: God's power to love. But the supply is limitless, and the price of His resources never goes up, because they're free."
Face Time
     Lord, thank You for being my Friend and for showing me how great it feels to be loved and accepted. I want to help other people feel that same way. I want them to be safe in their friendship with me, to trust me the way I'm learning to trust You.
     Help me let go of my unrealistic expectations about problem-free relationships. Help me understand people instead of trying to change them, and help me love them with my actions.

Enjoy, I sure did! Leave any comment or feedback you have on today's topic.

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Day 10: Ocean - Exploring The Depths Of Forgiveness

Exploring The Depths Of Forgiveness  - Based on One Month To Live by Kerry and Chris Shook 
Life Lesson (from journal): "Our sins, faults, and failures don't go away--we either confess or suppress... The key to how we leave this earth basically comes down to how we experience forgiveness and extend it to those around us.
Kerry Shook opens Day 10 by explaining how the ocean is a great metaphor for illustrating the boundless depths of God's forgiveness. But the deep sea also teaches another lesson about forgiveness. The water system for the whole world--lakes, rivers, ponds, your bath water--are ultimately supplied by the ocean. The sun evaporates ocean water, which rises and drifts over land as clouds. The clouds drop rain, which accumulates in creeks, rivers, and lakes. So this water you drink from your faucet is ultimately provided by the ocean.

Forgiveness flows in the same kind of cycle. Whenever you or anyone else offers forgiveness, the source of that forgiveness is God. Even those people who have not accepted His forgiveness are revealing His image in them when they forgive others.

(Activity from journal) Many Jesus-followers have times when they doubt that God's forgiveness is deep enough to cover everything, forever. In your own words, write a letter to yourself from God, based on the truth found in these passages: Ephesians 1:7-8; Hebrews 4:14-16; Hebrews 8:12; 1 John 5:11-15
My Letter Based Off the Passages:
Dear Selena,
You have forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of My grace. Just as I was tempted in every way, you are also and just as I came through without sin, so shall you receive mercy and find grace. For I will forgive your wickedness and will remember your sin no more. He who has me has life, which in the end, eternal life. Whatever, you ask of me, I am here to answer and guide you.

Your Father,
 Ponder These! (from journal) 
  • How completely do you accept God's forgiveness? Do you usually believe it's real, or do you live in persistent skepticism? 
  • When someone forgives you , do you feel relief? Or do you keep beating yourself up?
If you try to live without forgiving, you won't survive. It is essential that we forgive for our own sakes, otherwise we'll drown in bitterness.
Read This! (from journal) Read the story of the prostitute and the Pharisee in Luke 7:36-50. Simon the Pharisee gave some of the "logical" reasons not to forgive the woman. What are some reasons you have trouble forgiving people around you? What did Jesus say in response to those reasons and to justify forgiving the prostitute.
When I reveal my heart to God, the healing starts. I breathe out the bitterness, and then I can breathe in forgiveness.
Ponder This! (from journal) Anger--even toward God--is a natural emotion. But harbored anger becomes self-damaging bitterness (Ephesians 4:26-27) Are you angry with God? He wants you to be honest with Him. Write a prayer to God based on Psalm 73:21-26

Ponder This Too! (from journal) Are you angry with anyone? Tell God exactly how you feel. Take all the time you need. Then Read Ephesians 4:32-5:2. Turn to God and ask His forgiveness for anything you've done wrong.

Face Time
Thank You so much for the amazing freedom I find in the depths of Your forgiveness. Sometimes I refuse Your forgiveness. Help me remember how much You always want me back. Please keep me so aware of Your love that it becomes more natural for me to forgive others.

That's All For Today! Leave your comments and feedback in this post.

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