I recently did a Google search for commercial classes in Los Angeles, CA because my goal is to book more national commercials. I feel that learning the fundamentals necessary to be successful the first time in this business and what the casting directors and producers are looking for from me when I step into that room to audition for a spot is very important.
So, I came across Coach Mike's Hey, I Saw Your Commercial! website. He offered a chance to audit his on-camera technique class for free. I realized that he has these ongoing so you can register anytime from his website for a Free session, (Referral Name: Selena Brown) He will take care of you! Just by going to his Free audit, I learned so much I didn't know about commercials and how important they are to my television and film pursuits. I found out that many people who are on television shows and film today, began their careers in commercials. Some actors, which he will show evidence in the free audit, survived their first couple of years in the business booking commercials before they reached major television show levels. He gave out handouts to take with us so that we could begin implementing some of his techniques for LaCasting, Actor's Access, etc. Coach Mike is so passionate in what he does that you can't help but listen, absorb, and get into action with your career, IF YOU WANT IT BAD ENOUGH!
He lays out a step-by-step model of how to get started from scratch and how to do things right the first time. His classes fill up fast because of how in demand he is. He even offers personal coaching if you are preparing for a commercial the next day or within the next week. His classes are so detailed and each one will have you in line with what the industry leaders or decision-makers expect of you. He also does a great job of showing examples or proof to back up what he says. How many people you know actually back up what they have to say with the facts? He also shows you commercials that he has actually booked to reiterate a point. I was so impressed and can't wait to take his first class in his Commercial Institute, On-Camera Commercial Course (Earn residual income in TV Commercials, build a solid income stream and foundation to sustain your TV/Film Career pursuit).
Coach Mike (Mike Pointer) has been successfully coaching and running Hey, I Saw Your Commercial! for 10 years now and he doesn't look like he's stopping anytime soon. Top agencies recommend that their talent stop by to get a dose of Coach Mike.
He said something in the room that really connected with me and that was a quote by Zig Ziglar, "You can have everything you want in life if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
I believe this quote and take it personally, and want to make sure that you have the opportunity to share in the prosperity that commercials have to offer you just as it will me in the near future. I am so delighted to share this quality information with you and hope that you will pass it on to your friends and family who want to get started in this industry the right way!
Watch Coach Mike's Video explaining what's in his FREE On-Camera Audition Techniques Class and REGISTER! Start establishing a long-lasting relationship with Coach Mike, a Top 25 Commercial Agent, and long-term success in the business.(Don't Forget To Say I Referred You: Selena Brown) There are door prizes too! I won a Personality Slate session with Coach Mike for my LaCasting profile, Actors Access, etc.--there are secrets that no one knows if you are not trained to know--Coach Mike will tell you in his Free Session!)
To Your Success,
If you have any questions, leave them in the comments and I'll answer them!