Monday, May 7, 2018

Monday, April 2, 2018

It's All Temporary on Loan From God ♥ Sunday #TimeWithGod #87

Hello! How are you? I hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend! Today in this Story Time With God, Episode 87, we will learn more about Hannah and her sacrifice to God. After being taunted by her husband's other wife, Peninnah, for being barren, Hannah was fed up! Find out what she does and how God comes to her rescue. 

Remember, everything that you see as you look around is temporary in this life. God gives and God takes things away from us for our own good. We may not see things that way in the present but later down the line you will see with clearer eyes. Oh boy! Have I had to live this truth in my own life. I had to lose some relationships that I thought were healthy, job opportunities, and most of all, like many of us, my views on the value of possessions (stuff), to gain SO much more from God for my life's journey. 

And yes, family can be a sour pickle at times, since they are pretty familiar with you and what makes you tick. So know that God can work on your family relationships as well if you come to Him in prayer and humility.

Grab your Bible and The One Year: Life Lessons from the Bible devotional as you follow along with me in this week's video below. 

Learn more about Hannah in the bible in the following scriptures: 1 Samuel 1-2

Thank you for spending some time with me today. Have a blessed week!