Kerry and Chris Shook recommended their book One Month To Live as a tool to use to assess this. I got the CDs and their Journal because I know I will soak in everything better by listening and then writing in the journal about how I feel about things. I will be committing an hour a day in the early morning to just listening, meditating, and writing my findings. I will post for the next 30 days my findings and how this journey is impacting me personally and the things around me.
Ask yourself, What if I had 'One Month To Live'? What would I do differently? If you can truthfully answer that question and you are not currently doing that something, then take the challenge for yourself and write about it. Or, since I will be posting daily on each topic for the next 30 days, follow along with me and post your comments to share in each of my daily posts on what you have found about yourself. We can share together!