Here's a quick video blog about my time Making Christmas Dinner (2016)
Thursday, December 29, 2016
#VLOG: Making Christmas Dinner 2016
Here's a quick video blog about my time Making Christmas Dinner (2016)
Sunday, December 25, 2016
#Sunday Time With God Episode 27: Happy Birthday Jesus Christ! #ChristmasDay
This year has brought changes in my life, transformations, new people into my circle, tests of my patience and will to never give up, and so much more. However, I could not have gone through any of those things without Jesus Christ on my side. I'm happy to have a spiritual relationship with Him and continuing to grow stronger in Him more and more every day.
On this day of December 25th, we celebrate our Savior...
In this video below, we celebrate Jesus Christ and learn about how it all came about. If you have your Bible or Bible app, you can read or follow along with me.
Your Target Deals and Specials (Dec 25 - Dec 31) #ShopTarget
FYI: The links in this post contain affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link.
Home Sale! Save up to 25% + extra 10% on bed and bath with promo code: BEDBATH
Dining and Entertaining BOGO 30% off
20% off jeans for the family
BOGO 50% all bras, bralettes and shaping solutions
Thursday, December 22, 2016
@ELFCosmetics Daily Face Cleanser & Daily Hydration Moisturizer Review | #BeforeBed #playbeautifully
My Product Reviews
e.l.f Daily Face Cleanser at Target |
e.l.f. Daily Hydration Moisturizer at Target |
Disclaimer: Selena Thinking Out Loud purchased these beauty products for personal use. This blog review and vlog is 100% my own opinions. Your results may vary. This blog is also an affiliate of Target.
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
#IReadThisBook: Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
My Book Review
I learned that he was a radical kind of guy, with strange eating habits, strong-willed to the point of hurting people's feelings, and the best husband and father he knew how to possibly be, while the CEO of Apple. He was passionate about integrating useful products in a simple manner for the end user and those innovations established his legacy in history.
The book, Steve Jobs, was an insightful read, with a roller coaster of events that left me feeling excited at times, disappointed with Steve Jobs and his actions, concerned about his eating habits, argumentative then agreeable, and finally understanding of his overall life's journey. Everything in his life made him the man he was.
Sunday, December 18, 2016
#Sunday Time With God Episode 26: Cheerful Giver #BibleDiscussion
In God's Word, we learn that in our giving:
- We cannot give just to give.
- We must not give if our heart is not in the right place to give.
- In our giving, God will provide everything we need to be a blessing, the financial resources, knowledge, plans, and instructions.
God will make sure that we are in-line with His divine purpose. When we allow ourselves to be used by God even when we feel like we "don't have enough" or we "don't feel like it", we are then learning how to sow generously and how to be a cheerful giver.
This week, I saw a personal example of God working in my life as a blessing to another. I gave a financial blessing of $50 and was not expecting anything in return. However, God had another plan and on the next day, He had me park my car right next to 10% ($5 bill) of what I gave on the day before. When I opened my car door I happened to look down and saw it. I was completely shocked but realized a few seconds later God was confirming His Word to me, in 2 Corinthians 9:6-15. God is alive and working in our lives. What an example, right?
In today's Bible discussion video below, we learn more about this in 2 Corinthians 9: 6-15. If you have your Bible or Bible app, you can read or follow along with me.
Thursday, December 15, 2016
My @FarmFreshtoYou Delivery #BeforeChristmas Week | Your #Coupon Code
I get two (2) deliveries a month because each 'Monster' box lasts me for two weeks. I like to freeze my green vegetables: kale, chard, spinach, green beans, and broccoli. They saute nicely and I can prepare soups, stews, and hearty dinners with them. This year I decided to transition from a vegetarian to a vegan and these deliveries have made things much easier when deciding which vegetables to use for my meal, making sure that I am getting enough nutrients in my body on a daily basis.
If you live in California, Farm Fresh to You can delivery to your home or business. They will leave the box(es) on your doorstep or stoop and all you have to do is take it into the house. If you live in an apartment or condo, you can make arrangements with them, for your delivery. You can also customize the contents of each box of organic produce and leave out the fruits and vegetables that you don't like to eat very much.
Get $15 Off Your First Box of organic product from - Use Coupon Code: SELE8487
In this video, I share what organic fruits and vegetables I received in my new box from Farm Fresh to You. I also talk about what I will be cooking for Christmas dinner.
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
#WinaPainting Up to $200 from @1stArtGallery! Open to US Ends: Dec 28, 11:59PM/EST
Selena Thinking Out Loud loves art and have my very own collection of paintings. I am also participating in this fantastic giveaway, sponsored by 1st Art Gallery. They provide hand-crafted art, reproductions, and original pieces, to add to your already stellar art collection.
Enter this giveaway for a chance to win any unframed painting up to $200! All of the details to enter are posted below. If you're looking for a great holiday gift for the art collector in your life, visit 1st Art Gallery and have a wonderful holiday! Good Luck!
Hosted By
Sponsored By:
A special shout out to our Co-Hosts
Deliciously Savvy, IMHO Views Reviews and Giveaways, Love, Mrs. Mommy, Momma Without a Clue, Candy Crush & Snowman Butts, Dorky's Deals, Java John Z's, and Giveaway Gator
ABOUT 1st Art Gallery
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Deliciously Savvy, IMHO Views Reviews and Giveaways, Love, Mrs. Mommy, Momma Without a Clue, Candy Crush & Snowman Butts, Dorky's Deals, Java John Z's, and Giveaway Gator
ABOUT 1st Art Gallery
1st Art Gallery invites you to join their latest giveaway! 1st Art Gallery has paintings from the most famous painters throughout history including Van Gogh, Da Vinci, Rembrandt, Renoir, Monet, Waterhouse, Michelangelo, and many others. Since their inception in 2007 has been reviewed by great modern day art collectors and the 1st Art Gallery reviews are excellent!
What sets 1st Art Gallery apart is their attention to detail. Every painted is hand crafted by an artist. Whether you choose a Van Gogh reproduction or upload a family portrait, you'll be impressed with the skill and training by your painter. 1st Art Gallery also offers a money back guaranteed on all of their paintings including art reproductions.
You won't regret owning a beautiful oil painting that you can pass down to your children!
Find 1st Art Gallery on social media Twitter and Facebook
Enter Using the Rafflecopter Entry Form Below. All entries are optional. No purchase necessary to win!! Good luck!!
FYI: There are daily bonus entries so please check back tomorrow. Share it with your family and friends, they'll want to enter to win too!!
One (1 ) Winner will receive
Open to US
Dec 14th 12AM/EST - Dec 28, 2016, 11:59PM/EST
Enter Using the Rafflecopter Entry Form Below. All entries are optional. No purchase necessary to win!! Good luck!!
FYI: There are daily bonus entries so please check back tomorrow. Share it with your family and friends, they'll want to enter to win too!!
Disclaimer: Selena Thinking Out Loud is one of the promoters in his giveaway event. All prizes will be verified and confirmed by the host of this giveaway. The sponsor is responsible for delivering the prize. If you have any questions about this product, Amy & Aron's Real Life Reviews- reviews, or our giveaways, please feel free to email us directly at or
Sunday, December 11, 2016
#Sunday Time With God Episode 25: Protect Your Power #BibleDiscussion #BibleStudy
However, although we are blessed with spiritual gifts and guidance from God, we will be tested. Those tests can come by way of other people, close to us and those not so familiar with our true selves. Tests can come through our financial woes, or health issues, and many other areas of our lives. However, all in all, we must be spiritually ready to protect our power even when the test comes from within us, where we deter from God's plans for our lives.
![]() |
Samson And Delilah
Credit: Samson and Delilah (oil on canvas) by Pina, Jose Salome (1830-1909)
There will be people, places, and things, that will try to enter our lives to test our strength in God. They will questions our sincerity in Him and test our will to trust in God's Plans. However, we can pass the tests that enter our lives, if we continue to make time for God. When we spend time with God in our quiet place, read His Word, pray for strength, and have faith and believe in His divine timing, we will then put on the whole armor of God, in preparation for these great tests.
In the following video, I go into more detail about protecting your power. Use your Bible or a Bible app, to follow along with the scripture mentioned in the video.
Thursday, December 8, 2016
e.l.f Mineral Infused Face Primer Clear Demo and #ProductReview! #PlayBeautifully
In the following video below, I show you how to apply this face primer and my personal results after applying my makeup.
Sunday, December 4, 2016
#Sunday Time With God Episode 24: How To Accept Christ into Our Lives #Repentance #BibleDiscussion
In this Sunday Time With God Episode 24, we will learn how to accept Christ into our Lives through Repentance. What does it mean to repent?
Repent (verb): feel or express sincere regret or remorse about one's wrongdoing or sin
When we decide to live a life with Christ and cast all of our cares and worries on the Lord, we then must repent to the Lord so that he knows that we are serious. Living for Christ is not always easy but it is a blessed journey, when we have the most generous, gracious, and loving God by our side. He teaches us how to live and what His purpose is for our lives as we continue to grow in His Word and Live His Word each day. What's really amazing, is how unbiased God is when accepting us into his flock. He does not care about our age, race, gender, or how lost we have felt in our lives. He will receive the beggar, the alcoholic, the drug dealer, the unpopular kid in school, and anyone who wants to be saved by His grace. He wants to renew us from the inside out!
In the following video, go into more detail about repentance and accepting Christ into our lives. Use your Bible or a Bible app, to follow along with the scriptures mentioned in the video.
♥Luke 5:27-32
♥Acts 2:38-39
Since we must first repent of our sins and confess with our mouth and believe in our heart that the Lord died for our sins. Here is a little prayer for you to say below, to help you begin your new journey with Christ. If you were with Christ before and now want to come back to Him, this prayer is for you also!
I, [Your Name], accept you Lord God into my heart. I repent of my sins that I have committed and will work hard to be the (woman/man) of God that you desire for me to be from this day forward. Amen.
Saying this prayer of repentance is only the first step. Now you must begin to build your own personal relationship with Christ. Attend church or church functions with other Christians to learn even more about Christ. Being among like-minded individuals will make your walk with Christ stronger over time. Find Christian groups online, on social media, that really makes you feel welcomed. There are some really cool Christians out there, living for and serving the Lord. Good Luck to you on your newly-found journey in Christ!!! ♥
♥Have a blessed week!♥
Your Target Deals and Specials (Dec 4 - Dec 10) #ShopTarget
FYI: The links in this post contain affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link.
Save $10 when they spend $50 or $25 when they spend $100 on Apparel and Accessories with Promo Code: STYLE
20% off all LEGO Star Wars Classic, Juniors and Friends
Friday, December 2, 2016
e.l.f Hydrating Bubble Mask Demo and #ProductReview! #PlayBeautifully
Their Hydrating Bubble Mask surprised me because it did not perform like the other face masks that I have either purchased or tested in the past but hear me out in my video review below to learn more!
In the following product view, beauty vlog, I share how to apply the e.l.f Hydrating Bubble Mask and then give my personal review after using it.
In the following product view, beauty vlog, I share how to apply the e.l.f Hydrating Bubble Mask and then give my personal review after using it.
If you have tried the e.l.f Hydrating Bubble Mask, leave your comments below. I would like to hear from you!
If you're interested in giving it a try for yourself, you can find it in Target, on the e.l.f website, or on too!
Thursday, December 1, 2016
@FallsRiverSoap Gift Basket and $100 Amazon Gift Card #Giveaway! (US Only) Ends: Dec 16. 2016
With the holidays approaching, Selena Thinking Out Loud decided to join some amazing bloggers to bring you this Falls River Soap Company, Deluxe Gift Basket and $100 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway! Personally, I enjoy handcrafted anything and soaps are no different. It takes hard work and dedication to make soaps and blend different natural ingredients together to create amazing scents with quality results. Learn more about Falls River Soap Company, our sponsor, and also get your 15% Off + Free Shipping Coupon Code below! Good Luck and Happy Holidays!
Falls River Soap Company Deluxe Gift Basket and $100 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway!!
Amy and Aron's Real Life Reviews
Promoted By:
Selena Thinking Out Loud
Falls River Soap Company
The Prize
One (1) Winner
Open to US
12.02.16, 12AM/EST thru 12.16.16, 11:59PM/EST
1 Deluxe Gift Basket
$100 Amazon Gift Card
A special shout out to my awesome co-hosts for this event
Deliciously Savvy, IMHO Views Reviews and Giveaways~ Michigan Saving and More, InezbyDesign~ Heartbeats ~ Soul Stains~ Dorky's Deals~ Finding Sanity in our Crazy Life~ Just Happiling~ Babushka's Baile~ Your Strong Tower
Special Discount For You!
$100 Amazon Gift Card
A special shout out to my awesome co-hosts for this event
Deliciously Savvy, IMHO Views Reviews and Giveaways~ Michigan Saving and More, InezbyDesign~ Heartbeats ~ Soul Stains~ Dorky's Deals~ Finding Sanity in our Crazy Life~ Just Happiling~ Babushka's Baile~ Your Strong Tower
Special Discount For You!
Click Here to get your Falls River Soap Company items now.
Use the Code"WINTER16" for 15% OFF and Free Shipping on all orders $35 with Coupon!!
Find Falls River Soap Company on social media
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.
If you are looking to forever change the way you wash and experience the pleasure of the perfect bath or shower using the finest natural ingredients, it is time to discover Falls River Soap Company! Right now you can enter below for a chance to win a $100 Amazon Gift Card and a Deluxe Falls River Soap Gift Basket!
Falls River Soap Company is a small family owned business located in Ohio, specializing in handcrafted artisanal soaps since 2004. At Falls River Soap Company they use organic and high quality natural essential oils, herbs and botanicals sourced from all over the world to create homemade soaps the old-fashioned way, through the cold-process method of soap making.
Unlike mass-produced commercial soaps sold by those “other” companies you find in your local supermarket or drugstore, it takes a little extra time to create a Falls River Soap. The soap makers at Falls River Soap Company are busy working by hand in small batches at a low temperature and aging the soaps for up to four to six weeks to preserve the natural glycerin, producing the most luxurious, pure and gentle moisturizing soap imaginable for every skin type, scent or texture preference.
The eco-friendly natural soaps created by Falls River Soap Company do not contain harsh chemicals, animal fats or synthetic preservatives. They do not test products on animals and their handmade soaps are 100% vegetarian.
Falls River Soap Company uses earth-friendly ingredients like fresh goat milk, olive oil, shea and cocoa butter, coconut and avocado oil. Natural exfoliates include lemon peel, ground coffee and calendula petals and more.
And that’s just about it, natural ingredients and a whole lot of love combine to make the best handmade soap available anywhere at any price!
Now for the fun stuff. This giveaway is open to US. There are daily bonus entries so please check back tomorrow. Share it with your family and friends, they'll want to enter to win too!!
I can't ask you to "Like" our pages but, if you see something you like, let us know so we can bring you more of it. We LOVE it when you "LIKE" our pages.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Click Here to get your Falls River Soap Company items now.
Use the Code"WINTER16" for 15% OFF and Free Shipping on all orders $35 with Coupon!!
Find Falls River Soap Company on social media
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.
Unlike mass-produced commercial soaps sold by those “other” companies you find in your local supermarket or drugstore, it takes a little extra time to create a Falls River Soap. The soap makers at Falls River Soap Company are busy working by hand in small batches at a low temperature and aging the soaps for up to four to six weeks to preserve the natural glycerin, producing the most luxurious, pure and gentle moisturizing soap imaginable for every skin type, scent or texture preference.
The eco-friendly natural soaps created by Falls River Soap Company do not contain harsh chemicals, animal fats or synthetic preservatives. They do not test products on animals and their handmade soaps are 100% vegetarian.
Falls River Soap Company uses earth-friendly ingredients like fresh goat milk, olive oil, shea and cocoa butter, coconut and avocado oil. Natural exfoliates include lemon peel, ground coffee and calendula petals and more.
And that’s just about it, natural ingredients and a whole lot of love combine to make the best handmade soap available anywhere at any price!
Now for the fun stuff. This giveaway is open to US. There are daily bonus entries so please check back tomorrow. Share it with your family and friends, they'll want to enter to win too!!
I can't ask you to "Like" our pages but, if you see something you like, let us know so we can bring you more of it. We LOVE it when you "LIKE" our pages.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: Selena Thinking Out Loud is only one of the promoters and is not responsible for the delivery of these prizes. The hosts referenced above, for this event, will make sure this contest is completed. If you have any questions about this product, Amy & Aron's Real Life Reviews- reviews, or our giveaways, please feel free to email us directly at or
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
E.L.F Matte Lip Color WINE #ProductReview
In the following beauty vlog I share my first impressions and my overall personal review of this product.
This video review is 100% my own opinions, your results may vary.
Subscribe to: