National Book Month is celebrated in October. It's the perfect time of year to reiterate the importance of reading. Not only is reading necessary for daily life, but it is another opportunity to learn and discover new things, new places, and different viewpoints from people of various cultures and backgrounds. Reading is one of the best pastime activities to relax and enjoy a good book without television, social media, and other distractions. Many kids receive required reading lists, which help to advance their reading skills and keep them busy throughout the year. Other children may have a more flexible curriculum and reading journals and reading logs help organize all of the books they read during the year.
In the reading journals for kids below, there is a table of contents, open-ended questions directed toward the books they are reading, and space to write down more recommended books from teachers, friends, and family. Some of the books were created by Selena Thinking Out Loud and others are favorites on Amazon. At the end of the year, a child can see all of the books they have read and feel proud of such a great accomplishment. Happy reading!
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