Sunday, December 4, 2016

#Sunday Time With God Episode 24: How To Accept Christ into Our Lives #Repentance #BibleDiscussion

In this Sunday Time With God Episode 24, we will learn how to accept Christ into our Lives through Repentance. What does it mean to repent?

Repent (verb):  feel or express sincere regret or remorse about one's        wrongdoing or sin

When we decide to live a life with Christ and cast all of our cares and worries on the Lord, we then must repent to the Lord so that he knows that we are serious. Living for Christ is not always easy but it is a blessed journey, when we have the most generous, gracious, and loving God by our side. He teaches us how to live and what His purpose is for our lives as we continue to grow in His Word and Live His Word each day. What's really amazing, is how unbiased God is when accepting us into his flock. He does not care about our age, race, gender, or how lost we have felt in our lives. He will receive the beggar, the alcoholic, the drug dealer, the unpopular kid in school, and anyone who wants to be saved by His grace. He wants to renew us from the inside out!

In the following video, go into more detail about repentance and accepting Christ into our lives. Use your Bible or a Bible app, to follow along with the scriptures mentioned in the video.

♥ Luke 13:1-9
Luke 5:27-32
Acts 2:38-39

Since we must first repent of our sins and confess with our mouth and believe in our heart that the Lord died for our sins. Here is a little prayer for you to say below, to help you begin your new journey with Christ. If you were with Christ before and now want to come back to Him, this prayer is for you also! 

I, [Your Name], accept you Lord God into my heart. I repent of my sins that I have committed and will work hard to be the (woman/man) of God that you desire for me to be from this day forward. Amen.

Saying this prayer of repentance is only the first step. Now you must begin to build your own personal relationship with Christ. Attend church or church functions with other Christians to learn even more about Christ. Being among like-minded individuals will make your walk with Christ stronger over time. Find Christian groups online, on social media, that really makes you feel welcomed. There are some really cool Christians out there, living for and serving the Lord. Good Luck to you on your newly-found journey in Christ!!!

♥Have a blessed week!

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