Sunday, June 18, 2017

God Directs Our Path: #Sunday | Time With God #VLOG Episode 52 #JesusCalling #BibleDiscussion

Happy Father's Day! In this Story Time Sunday, Time With God, Episode 52, we will learn how God directs our path in our decisions and experiences. Whether you are just hearing about Christ for the first time, a newbie in Christ, or veteran in the Body of Christ, we were chosen even before the foundation of the Earth. He designed the paths that we are on currently and the different journeys that we must take to reach our purpose(s) in Him. 

He wants us to know that our reward is in heaven and that he gives us glimpses into what's in store to motivate and encourage us to keep sharing his Love, Mercy, Grace, and His Word, with others inside and outside of the Body of Christ. Because we live day by day on this Earthly plain, we see what's in our bank accounts, the job(s) we work, what we do and don't have, but in heaven, Jesus says no one can take our inheritance.

We will be reading from the daily devotional, Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, for June 18, 2017. If you have your copy and your Bible follow along with me in the video below.

These are the Bible scriptures that help us even more to understand this message:

♥ Ephesians 1:4
Proverbs 16:9
♥ Jeremiah 29:11
♥ Ephesians 1:13-14

Additional Christian Books for You

Chosen by God


Classic Teachings on the Nature of God: The Holiness of God; Chosen by God; Pleasing God—Three Books in One


YouVersion Bible App mentioned in the video can be downloaded FREE to your phone, computer, etc. Get more information here:

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