Sunday, June 4, 2017

Welcome Challenging Times: #Sunday | Time With God #VLOG Episode 50 #JesusCalling #BibleDiscussion

Happy Sunday! In today's Story Time Sunday, Time With God, Episode 50! We will learn to welcome challenging times because that teaches us to depend on God and build a closer relationship with Him. Without challenges, how could we mature and grow in our spiritual relationship with God? What would be our testimonies, our examples for others in need of help through their challenging times?

We will be reading from the daily devotional, Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, for June 4, 2017. If you have your copy and your Bible follow along with me in the video below. 

These are the Bible scriptures that help us even more to understand this message:

James 1:2-3
♥ Philippians 4:13
♥ Isaiah 26:3

Additional Christian Books for Overcoming Challenging Times

Overcoming Crisis Expanded Edition: The Secrets to Thriving in Challenging Times

Powerful Prayers for Challenging Times: Finding Hope When You Need It Most

The 40 Most Inspirational Prayers for Facing Challenging Times

YouVersion Bible App mentioned in the video can be downloaded FREE to your phone, computer, etc. Get more information here:

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