Friday, April 21, 2017

#VLOG: My Favorite #Fitness YouTube Channels for Daily Workouts #MyFaves

Have you taken action on your fitness goals for this year? Fitness is a popular topic for discussions and many people add it to their list of resolutions every year. However, some don't do anything because they think that they need a gym membership or do not have enough time. Personally, I do not have a gym membership but I can break a sweat right at home with my floor mat, sneakers, dumbbells, and IPhone. In the past, I had gym memberships but found that I could discipline myself to do my workouts at home, on vacation, or wherever I am, while still sticking to my other responsibilities. There are SO many awesome workouts now that require less time than before.

I'm grateful that I have never had issues with my weight. When I was a little girl, I used to think that my legs were too skinny so I wore jeans all the time. However, as I grew older and then entered the military, fitness became important as a soldier in the U.S. Army. So I fell in love with working out. I enjoyed and still do enjoy, keeping my body in shape and feeling good. In order for me to do my best and look my best, I have to do the things that's going to help me to maintain this level happiness. I work out my spirit with a daily devotional time with God and I also work out my physical body. They both go hand in hand.

In the following video blog, I share my Top 4 Fitness YouTube Channels that I enjoy working out with on a daily basis.

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Do you have any favorite Fitness YouTube Channels? If so, share them with me below. Thanks!

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