Hope means:
to trust in, wait for, look for, or desire something or someone, or to expect something beneficial in the future. (Source: Baker's Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology)
By building a strong, continual, relationship with God, it strengthens our hope in Him. We will learn how to develop hope and the difference between worldly hope and spiritual hope. There is a difference. Finally, we will see how powering through our struggles and shortcomings make us stronger, by building our perseverance, character, and ultimately, our HOPE!
Use your Bible or a Bible app, to follow along with the scriptures mentioned in the video.
♥ Romans 5:2-5
♥ Romans 8:24-25
Watch the full, Story Time Sunday Time With God, Episode 17 video: Faith in God, below.
Comment Below
In the Bible discussion, I mention ways that you can produce more hope in your life. Which will you apply to your own life?
♥Have a blessed week!♥
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