Sunday, March 26, 2017

#Sunday | Time With God Video Episode 40: Waiting on the Lord #JesusCalling #Vlog

Today in this Sunday, Time With God, Episode 40, we will learn more about Waiting on the Lord. It can be difficult to wait on the Lord, I know personally, but there are many benefits to doing so. We read about these benefits in the daily devotional, Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence for March 26, 2017. 

Question: Do you find it difficult to wait on the Lord sometimes? (comment below)

There are also Bible scriptures that help us even more to understand this below:

♥ Lamentations 3:24-26
♥ Isaiah 40:31

♥ Psalm 16:11

YouVersion Bible App mentioned in the video can be downloaded FREE to your phone, computer, etc. Get more information here:

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