Story Time #Sunday | #TimeWithGod Ep7: Obey God When Odds Are Against You
Welcome to Story Time Sunday Time With God Episode 7! We're going to learn how to obey God even when the odds are against us! Have you ever been in a situation where you questioned your abilities? Knowledge? Experience? If so, you're not alone. We all have been in the same boat, wondering if we are the right person for the job. In Christ, we learn that if he puts us in a particular situation, place, or position of authority, it is necessary and for His glory. He assigned us, against all odds, to do His Will, share His Word, to serve Him, by getting the job done. You may face adversity, questions from others, who think that you are not quite right for the job, but know, if God put you there, you are right where you're supposed to be. This goes for any part of our lives; in relationships, career, where we live, finances, and more!! Comment Below on This Week's Question: What is your favorite go-to Bible verse when you need encouragement? The Story Time Sunday video and scriptures are listed below for you. You can use your Bible or Bible app and follow along, or just watch and listen.
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