Sunday, August 14, 2016

Story Time #Sunday | Time With God Ep8: Brave Esther #BibleDiscussion #BibleStudy

It's Story Time Sunday Time With God Episode 8! We're going to learn how Esther in the Bible stood up for her people even when the odds were against her! Have you ever felt like the odds were against you as a women? On your job climbing the "corporate ladder"? In the public eye? Through history and still today, women must continue to prove themselves qualified to sit at the table so to speak. It is a place full of adversity and inequality. However, as women we must continue to stand up for our beliefs, our community, our family, and most of all for ourselves. In this week's bible study, we find out that women faced the same beauty demands as women face today, to be beautiful and "flawless". By the end of our episode about Esther, we find out that she is definitely more than a pretty face. ;)

Comment Below on This Week's Question:

Have you ever faced adversity as a woman and how did you overcome the odds against you?

The Story Time Sunday video and scriptures are listed below for you. You can use your Bible or Bible app and follow along, or just watch and listen. 

Subscribe to Selena Thinking Out Loud on YouTube

Scriptures for this Story Time Sunday Episode #8:

 2: 12
♥Esther 4: 7-8
♥Esther 4: 11, 15-17
♥Esther 5: 3-5, 7-8
♥Esther 7: 1-6

The Bible I Use: Women of Faith NIV Study Bible -

 Have a blessed week! 

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