The 11 Forgotten Laws: #Manifesting Your Present and Future...Again
Manifesting your present and future is an intense skill to sustain and acquire. Sometimes, you have to unlearn the old ways of thinking and feeling, in order to learn again how to manifest your present and future.
When I was studying in the American Musical and Dramatic Academy, I was given a DVD by a fellow acting student, called The Secret. If you haven't heard of the secret, I recommend you take some time to watch it. I was able to find the first 20 mins. of the full movie for you to see below. You can purchase, 'The Secret' Here as well.
After watching this DVD, I began to attempt to use what I had learned in this video to reprogram the way I would think about my time in the acting conservatory, the classes I had to pass, what I would do after finishing school, and how I would survive. I truly began to see my life balancing itself out without me including worry into my thoughts. However, you know as well as I know that if you don't continue to remind yourself of the learned ways of thinking, you will begin to slide off and your life will consume your thinking and feelings, which causes you to lose control of what is most important to your present and future.
I find it no coincidence, five (5) years later after graduating, that I'm writing this message to you on my blog about this same DVD, called The Secret. Lately, I have spent time to myself and in deep thought, thinking and feeling in a more positive manner. I have thought about what I desire to change and see manifest in my present and future, again, with regards to my acting career. This video have circled back around onto my path by way of what I have recently learned in The 11 Forgotten Laws by Bob Proctor.
In this program, Bob Proctor, explains how The Secret was just one piece of the puzzle to manifesting what you desire in your life when using the law of attraction.
He gives detailed instruction on how to use what we learn in the secret, but take that to another level by including and implementing 11 more laws or what he describes as the 11 forgotten laws. When we feel positive and hopeful about our present and future, we attract that into our lives. People begin to want to be around us, work with us, collaborate with us on projects, because we exude this positive energy. In Bob Proctor's, The 11 Forgotten Laws, he explains three quick tips, you can implement now to help you begin manifesting your present and future...again and I'm going to share them with you for free!
1. It's OKAY to Receive!
Many of us are naturally good at giving to those in need or who call on us for help. However, we lack the ability to allow ourselves to RECEIVE. If we are focusing our minds on giving, giving, giving, then when the time comes for us to desire that audition, role, or new promotion, we are going to be left wondering why we keep getting passed up. This may happen because we always focus on giving to others, but not expecting anything for ourselves in return. It's okay to receive and give as long as we do both in a balanced manner. No one wants to be used, right? Exactly. That's why it's important to have a giving heart but also have a mindset focused on being open and willing to receive what we deeply want for ourselves as well.
2. Be Patient With All of Yourself!
Working on an acting career is up there with one of the most mentally challenging careers to pursue because you are always wondering when will the "big break" arrive. It's natural to feel this way because you're thinking that you're doing everything you need to do for your career so when is everything going to fall in place? I have heard stories of so many actors who were talented, but quit and gave up on their acting careers. Sadly, some gave up right before crossing the finish line, into reaching their career goals. I was in an acting class and the instructor said something about how many actors expect to make it over night or within a few months of entering the business, but it just doesn't work like that. He said that some actors have been working for years before the media ever recognized them. There are many actors who are working hard under the radar, right now, on their careers because they know that being patient will carry them across the finish line. They are well aware of how important it is 'to be patient with ALL of yourself'. It is a marathon, in this business, not a sprint!
3. Continue to Unlearn and Relearn for Yourself!
As I've mentioned earlier in this blog post, I was introduced to The Secret five years ago. I have just been introduced to it again in The 11 Forgotten Laws program, which picks up where it left off. I've had to unlearn all my wrong ways of thinking and feeling and relearn how to think and feel towards my acting career and life in general for manifesting my present and future. Remember, no one is exempt from having to relearn what is right or how to improve what is wrong. In The Secret, I have learned how the law of attraction could help me to manifest what I desire but I have also learned that it cannot happen overnight. I have also learned that The Secret is not the end to my learning and there is much more to experience on this journey to improving the way I see life and my future through The 11 Forgotten Laws. There are more laws to the way we think and manifest what we desire for ourselves and others in life.
It is powerful to obtain knowledge and to apply it. The Secret was a starting point for me as I began my acting studies and now The Secret and The 11 Forgotten Laws, combined, will be the tools I take with me into the new phase of my acting career journey.
To purchase and learn more about The 11 Forgotten Laws by Bob Proctor, you can visit the site here.
Disclaimer: Selena Thinking Out Loud With Purpose is sharing personal experiences. These views are mine alone and may be received differently by the reader. The 11 Forgotten Laws program is a Bob Proctor program which is provided to the public through Clickbank for purchase. Selena Thinking Out Loud With Purpose is only an affiliate and not the distributor of the program. The company will provide the full program to customer after purchase.
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